Product Review: Udi’s Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

I don’t have any major food allergies- I mean, there’s a very great chance that I might have undiagnosed lactose intolerance, but that has yet to stop me from eating cheese like it’s going out of style. And while I don’t have any (known) gluten allergies, reducing the amount of gluten in one’s diet has a number of health benefits, including better digestion.

Anyway, when I saw that Udi’s Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread was on sale at Whole Foods, I got really excited to try out this really reputable brand.

Udi’s started making gluten-free products after their master baker was asked by a friend with celiac disease to come up with a new recipe for gluten-free bread. He ended up developing Udi’s “secret” recipe, and the rest is history.

In my opinion, this bread stands above other gluten-free breads I’ve tried. It’s a little mealy, but not too mealy, and it has a delicious bite as well as a really mellow flavor. I tried the original recipe, and I think it’s really good for every day sandwiches and toast. However, be aware that gluten-free does not mean THE HEALTHIEST FOOD IN THE WORLD OMG- I mean, it’s still bread. And the last time I checked, bread is a carbohydrate. That means two slices of Udi’s Gluten Free White Sandwich Bread is 4 WWpoints+. Basically, as long as you don’t eat the entire loaf in one sitting, I think eating Udi’s bread is perfectly fine for a Weight Watcher.

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For lunch, I ate my Udi’s in a sandwich made with a Boca Chik’n Patty, lettuce, mustard, and an egg white (look, don’t act surprised- I said I like eggs).  The whole thing was 8 WWpoints+.

Tonight my brother and I are having our first WW meeting together. Since we’re both doing WW online, we’ve decided to meet up once a week and have our own version of a WW meeting. I think it’ll be a great way for us to spend a little more time together, and support each other.

Do you have any unconventional support systems? Also, how do you feel about gluten-free diets?


Filed under food, product review, Uncategorized

3 responses to “Product Review: Udi’s Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

  1. I think I have either a gluten or lactose intolerance too, never cared much to look too much into though – I’m not going to have a Doc tell me I can’t eat my favorite foods! No way, I’d rather live in denial! Half kidding, but seriously I have been meaning to test out some gluten-free products so thanks for the suggestion.
    I think a support system is sooo important. I just wrote a post (to publish later) about this. We all have family and friends that are available and willing to help yet we hesitate to reach out. Good for you for setting that time aside for you and your bro, that is time you will both treasure.

    • eco mom

      It’s so worth it. I’ve been gluten and dairy free for about 2 years now. But it was actually for my daughter, who was nursing. I didn’t know how much better I would feel, too. I had no choice but to give them up– I couldn’t make her sick by eating those things. We’ve made pies, cakes, cookies, cinnamon rolls, bread, pasta, pizza. We just do it in a way that the food we love, loves us back.

  2. eco mom

    You know that eating something like it is going out of style is a sign of a food intolerance? 🙂 It can be a sign that the food is acting on the opiate receptors in the body, like a drug. Google “casomorphin” for dairy. And I’ve heard that lactose intolerance is really just the normal state of about 70 percent of the population. More humans are lactose intolerant than aren’t, basically. Lactase disappears around age 5, when tribal humans would have weaned from breastmilk.

    My husband and 4yo do the Udi’s Bread. I can’t because eggs mess me up. The baby has celiac disease and since the family went gluten free, we are all much happier. We bake our own bread mostly, though.

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